Edit Channel Permissions

Edit channel permission overwrite for a user or role.


Server ID

Only required to get the @everyone role ID if using that shortcut.

Provide a snowflake ID for the Discord server to use for this block.

Provide a valid server ID, rather than another type of snowflake (user or channel ID).

Example: 123456789012345678

Channel ID

ID of the channel to edit permissions for.

Provide a snowflake ID for a Discord channel.

Provide a valid channel ID, rather than another type of snowflake (user or server ID).

Example: 123456789012345678

User or Role ID

ID of the user or role to edit permissions for. You can type @everyone as a shortcut to the @everyone role id.

This is the ID of the user or role you want to edit permissions for. You can type @everyone as a shortcut to the @everyone role ID.

Provide a user ID to edit permissions for a user. Provide a role ID to edit permissions for a role.

Example: 1234567891234567 or @everyone

Permission Type

This is the type of permission you want to edit.

Permission Action

This is the action you want to take on the permissions.


Select the permission(s) you wish to allow/deny. You can select as many as you want.

If you select multiple permissions, they will be combined into a comma-seperated list.


This block does not have any outputs.