Send or Edit Embed Message
Send or Edit an embed message
Channel ID
ID of channel to send or edit the message.
Edit Message ID
To edit a message instead of sending a new message, provide a message ID.
Reply To Message ID
If you wish to reply to a message, provide the ID of the message you wish to reply to.
Allow Mentions
Disabled by default. When set to true, allows @here and @everyone mentions in the message. Be careful of users injecting @everyone mentions.
Content of plain text message above embed. This field is optional.
Title of the embed message.
URL when embed title is clicked.
Thumbnail URL
Thumbnail URL of the embed message.
Description of the embed message.
Provide a hex color code for the embed sidebar.
Image URL
Image URL of the embed message.
Author Icon URL
Image URL of the author icon.
Author Name
Author name of the embed message.
Author URL
Author URL of the embed message.
Footer Text
Footer text of the embed message.
Use the field builder block to create fields, then insert the output variable here.
Use the button builder block to create buttons, then insert the output variable here.
Use the dropdown builder block to create dropdowns, then insert the output variable here.