Create Role
Create a role in the specified server.
Server ID
Server ID of the server where you want to create the role
Role Name
Role name of the role you want to create.
Role Color
Color of the role you want to create. It needs to be in HEX format.
Role Hoist
It accepts true or false, depending on whether you want the role to show up on the sidebar.
Role Permissions
You need to provide the permission as an integer. You can find the integer in the Developer Portal under the ‘Bot’ category.
Role Mentionable
It accepts true or false to determine if the role is mentionable.
Role ID
The Role ID of the role you created.
Role Name
The name of the role you created.
Role Color
The color of the role in hex code.
Role Hoist
Returns true or false if the role is shown on the sidebar.
Role Position
The position of the role. Position 0 is the ’everyone’ role. The higher the number, the higher it is in the role list.
Role Permissions
Gives you an integer with the role permission in return. You can check which integer corresponds to which role in the panel in the Developer Portal under the ‘Bot’ category.
Role Managed
It returns true or false depending on whether the role was created by an integration.
Role Mentionable
It returns true or false depending on whether the role is mentionable.
Role Mention
It returns the mention of the role.