Update Role
Update a role in the specified server.
Server ID
Server ID of the server where you want to update the role.
Role ID
Role ID of the role you want to update.
Role Name
The new name of the role after the update.
Role Color
Color of the role after the update. It needs to be in RGB format.
Role Hoist
Accepts true or false to determine if the role will be displayed separately in the sidebar.
Role Permissions
Permissions for the role. This needs to be provided as an integer. You can get the integer in the Developer Portal under the ‘Bot’ category.
Role Mentionable
Accepts true or false depending on whether the role is mentionable.
Role ID
ID of the updated role.
Role Name
Updated name of the role.
Role Color
Updated color of the role in RGB format.
Role Hoist
The hoist setting of the role (true or false).
Role Position
The position of the role within the server’s role hierarchy.
Role Permissions
Updated permissions of the role (as an integer).
Role Managed
Whether the role is managed by an integration or not (true or false).
Role Mentionable
Whether the role is mentionable (true or false).
Role Mention
The mention format for the role (e.g., @RoleName).