Get Server Members

This block is an iterator. Learn more about iterators.

Retrieve members of a Discord server.

Members are requested in 1000-member chunks. Requesting a large number of members may result in this block taking a significant amount of time to execute.

The bot is required to have the Server Members intent in order for this block to work. Check your bot’s intents in Inventor bot settings.


Server ID

ID of the server to retrieve members from.

Example: 1234567890123456789


Maximum number of members to retrieve. Maximum is 15,000.

Example: 500


Iteration Number

Shows the number on which iteration run this iteration is.

Example: 1

User ID

The User ID of the current iteration’s member.

Example: 1234567890123456789

User Mention

The mention format of the current iteration’s member used for messages.

Example: <@1234567890123456789>

User Username

The username of the current iteration’s member.

Example: super_cool_user

User Discriminator

The discriminator of the current iteration’s member. This will be 0 unless the user is a bot.

Examples: 0 or 1234

User Avatar URL

The URL to the avatar of the current iteration’s member.


User Banner URL

The URL to the banner of the current iteration’s member.

Example:, or blank if the user does not have one.

User Accent Color

The HEX value of the accent color from the current iteration’s member.

Example: #FDBD24

User Locale

The locale of the current iteration’s member.

Example: en-US (English, US)

User Global Name

The global name of the current iteration’s member.

Example: Super Cool User

Is Bot

Whether or not the current iteration’s member is a bot.

Examples: true or false

Is System

Whether or not the current iteration’s member is a system bot.

Examples: true or false

Is Verified

Whether or not the current iteration’s member is a verified bot.

Examples: true or false

Member Nickname

The server-specific nickname of the current iteration’s member.

Example: Super Cool Member

Member Joined At (Unix)

The Unix timestamp when the current iteration’s member joined the specified server.

Example: 1731886315

Member Joined At (Relative)

The relative time when the current iteration’s member joined the specified server.

Example: 2 months ago

Member Role Count

The total number of roles that the current iteration’s member has in the specified server.

Example: 5

Member Role Mentions

A list of role mentions that the current iteration’s member has in the specified server.

There are no separators in this list.

Example: <@&1234567890123456789> <@&1234567890123456789>

Member Role IDs

A comma-separated list of role IDs that the current iteration’s member has in the specified server.

Example: 1234567890123456789,1234567890123456789

Member Mute

Whether or not the current iteration’s member is muted in the specified server.

Examples: true or false

Member Deaf

Whether or not the current iteration’s member is deafened in the specified server.

Examples: true or false