Get User

Retrieve a Discord user’s information by their ID.

Provide @me as the User ID to retrieve the bot’s information.

What does it do?

The Get User block allows you to retrieve discord information on a specified user. Example of Get User Block


User ID Required

ID of the user to retrieve.

Example: 123456789012345678



ID of the retrieved user.

Example: 123456789012345678


Formatted Discord mention for the retrieved user.

Example: <@123456789012345678>


Username of the retrieved user.

Example: super_cool_user


Discriminator of the retrieved user.

If the retrieved user isn’t a bot, the discriminator will be 0.

Example: 0001

Avatar URL

Avatar URL of the retrieved user.Example:

Banner URL of the retrieved user.

Only present if user has a banner, if not is blank.


Accent Color

Banner color of the retrieved user.

Example: #FE9900


The chosen language option of the retrieved user.

Example: en-US

Is Bot

Boolean indicating if the retrieved user is a bot.Example: true

Is System

Boolean indicating if the retrieved user is an Official Discord System user.Example: true

Is Verified

Boolean indicating if the retrieved user’s email has been verified.Example: true

Global Name

The display name for the retrieved user, if set. For bots this is the application name.

Example: Super Cool User