Change Bot Status

Change the bot’s status.

Inventor will save and persistently send the updated status as needed, this block is not a one-time update.

Additional options for Presence and Type are only available with Premium.

Do not change the status more than a few times a minute, as it will cause your bot to become unresponsive.


Status Presence

The presence of the status.

Example: Online, Idle, Do Not Disturb

Status Type

The type (or “prefix”) of the desired status. It must be one of the dropdown values.

Example: Playing, Listening to, Watching, Competing in, No Prefix (displays blank in Discord), Streaming

Status Text

The text of the status. This will go after the Status Type.

Example: (Status Type = Playing) with blocks

Stream URL

Only needed for Streaming status.


This block does not have any outputs.