Custom Loop

Loop over a customized range of numbers.

This block is an iterator. Learn more about iterators.

The Iteration Number output will continue to provide a zero-indexed value for the number of times the loop has run, while Custom Iteration will provide the customized value.


Loop Range

Provide a custom range of numbers to loop over. You can provide ranges like 1-10 or 10-1 and comma-separate individual numbers. The loop will process left-to-right. Entries can repeat and ranges can go up or down. Negative numbers are not supported.

Example: 1,2,3,5-10,15,20-14


Iteration Number

The current number of iterations. This will start at 0 and increate for each time the child blocks run. It is not affected by the loop range.

Example: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

Custom Iteration

This is the current number in the range it is iterating on. For example if you provided the Loop Range value of 3,7,9,2, the block would output 3 on the first iteration, 7 on the second iteration, 9 on the third iteration, and 2 on the fourth iteration.

Example: 3, 7, 9, 2