Voice State Update
Triggers when a member joins, leaves, or moves voice channels.
Update Type will be one of Join, Leave, or Move. If the user left or moved, Previous Channel ID is populated from Inventor’s cache. All other data is populated directly from Discord and represents the user’s current voice state.
This trigger is based on Discord event Voice State Update.
Inputs have not yet been documented.
Update Type
Previous Channel ID
User ID
Server ID
Channel ID
Session ID
Self Mute
Self Deaf
Self Video
Self Stream
Request to Speak Timestamp (Unix)
Tips & Tricks
Update Type
This will tell you the majority of the information you will need… but not everything so make sure to plan your flow accordingly. In most cases, this variable tells you exactly what’s going on but you should always plan your flow(s) to account for the unexpected
Member join channel
When a member joins a Voice Channel, the trigger will output some of the following variables, know how to use them to extract the data you want
- Update Type: When a member is joining a VC, this will always be Join
- Previous Channel ID: This will always be empty when a member is joining a VC as there is no previous channel
- Channel ID: This will be the ID of the specific Voice Channel a member joined in the server
Member move channels
When a member moves from one VC in a server to another VC in the same server, this triggers a Move update type
- Update Type: When a member moves from one VC to another, this will always be Move
- Previous Channel ID: This variable is the ID of the previous channel the member was in before moving to the new channel
- Channel ID: This will always have a value as the member is not leaving a Voice Channel, rather, they are moving from one to another. This is the Channel ID for the channel the user joined
Member leave channel
When a member leaves a voice channel, the trigger will output a Leave update type
- Update Type: When a member leaves a Voice Channel, the update type will always be Leave
- Previous Channel ID: This will always have a value and will be the channel the user just left
- Channel ID: This is the ID of the channel a member is moving to. If the member is not moving to a new channel (ie: leaving), this variable is left blank
Member update
This one is by far the most complicated because as of time of writing, Inventor does not cache the states of members except for the current/past channel and it triggers a Join update
There are a few tricks to tell the difference between a member update and a member join, the easiest way is if the ==Previous Channel ID== and ==Channel ID== are the same