Button Click

Triggers when a button below a message is clicked.

This trigger is based on Discord event InteractionCreate.


Inputs have not yet been documented.


Interaction ID

Interaction Token

Server ID

Channel ID

Executing User ID

Button ID

Message ID

Context Type

App Permissions


More information

The Button pressed trigger supports prefixing meaning you can have many paths (buttons) triggering the same flow and make the one flow. The following examples can be used and modified for use with the dropdown and modal trigger

The above image shows how you can place an asterisk (\*) at the end of the Button ID for it to act as a prefix

Use Cases

Button prefixes can be used for anything from a simple action like pinging a user to more advanced actions like transferring data between flows


For the following examples, we are going to assume a prefix of “`prefix`” with the goal of kicking or banning a server member

A slash command with a select user dropdown was used and a user with the ID of 1250528195858665493 was selected. From there, the slash command provides 2 buttons with the following IDs using the following format; {prefix}*{action}*{user}

  1. prefix*kick*1250528195858665493

  2. prefix*ban*1250528195858665493

In both buttons, the prefix and user are the same with the difference being the action. This means you can easily get the action by putting the Button ID into a String Split List block

The above image shows how to use the String Split List block with the Button ID, split by an asterisk (\*)

If the ban button is pressed, the String Split List outputs will be as follows

String 1) prefix*

String 2) ban

String 3) 1250528195858665493

Using the outputs (String 2 in this case), we can select a different action to preform depending on the specific button pressed all from within the same flow by using an If Statement. For banning a member you would want to check if the second string is equal to “ban” then execute a Ban Server Member block with the third string (User ID) in the server the button was pressed in and send a reply

The above image shows a complete flow on how to ban a server member using the example in the Button Click Inventor Documentation page