Invite Created

Triggers when an invite is created.

This trigger is based on Discord event InviteCreate.


There are no inputs for this trigger.


Invite Code

The invite code of the invite that was created.

Example: P9KhXaey

Server ID

The server ID where the invite was created.

Example: 123456789012345678

Invite Creator User ID

The user ID of the user who created the invite.

Example: 123456789012345678

Invite Creator Username

The username of the user who created the invite.

Example: super_cool_user

Invite Uses

The total amount of uses that the invite has had.

Example: 0

Invite Max Uses

The maximum amount of uses that the invite can have.

Example: 5

Invite Temporary

Whether or not the invite gives temporary membership (user will be kicked after they log off unless they get a role)

Examples: true, false

Expires At (Unix)

The Unix timestamp when the invite will expire.

Example: 1731886315

Invite Created At (Unix)

The Unix timestamp of when the invite was created.

Example: 1731886315